Brain Care Catalyst

We are on a mission to make the proper care of the injured brain common, rather than the exception. We are working to improve follow up, symptom management, and recovery for all who suffer concussions and other traumatic brain injuries

A Growing Epidemic


Estimated number of traumatic brain injuries, mostly concussions, worldwide in 2018.


Americans suffering a concussion last year who, two weeks post injury, report challenging symptoms that limit what they were able do.


Americans with concussions last year likely to face functional limitations one year after their injury.


Americans who received follow-up care for their concussion symptom


Have you had a concussion recently?

A great group of people across the country, including some of the most respected neurosurgeons and brain trauma specialists, are working to create better care for those with concussions once they get home.

But they need ideas and feedback from the people they are trying to help. If you have been diagnosed as having had a concussion, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury, and would be interested in sharing your experience as well as your thoughts on what would have made things better, please sign up to join our team of lived experience experts:

Help Us improve Care  

Our Work

In pursuit of its mission, the Foundation is using feedback and perspective of patients to improve the creation of very successful and replicable models of postacute care by being led by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s TBI Action Collaborative. The Foundation is working with UCSF’s Geoff Manley and the Action Collaborative’s other leading neurotrauma experts to promote the replication of those models. It will also assist the development and application of cutting-edge methods of healing injured brains
The work of revolves around four key areas:

Engage with patients about their follow up, symptom management, and recovery.
Assist in the knowledge capture and intra-site communication as the NASEM Action Collaborative pose-acute care model develops.
Facilitate the development of new patient support groups, chats, patient-to-patient information sharing, and other ways to empower those with injured brains to take action to help their brains heal.
Advise on the development of new post-acute care methods of treating injured brains.

Who We Are

The Brain Care Catalyst Foundation is a new non-profit whose mission is to make the proper care of the injured brain common, rather than the exception. We are working with people who have had brain injuries, doctors, nurses, and many others to improve follow up, symptom management, and recovery for all who suffer concussions and other traumatic brain injuries.

Our Board of Directors

Care for an Injured Brain


  General information regarding TBI and symptoms that can come after
  Information for patients, their families, and caregivers seeking TBI support and community resources
  Learn More

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